Analyzing fitting results

To check SED fitting results, piXedfit provides functions in piXedfit_analysis module for making visualization plots. There are three kinds of plots that can be made using this module.

Please see the API references for more information about those functions. Below, we will demonstrate how to produce such plots for an example of fitting result to a spectrophotometric SED.

Corner plot

from piXedfit.piXedfit_analysis import plot_corner

params=['log_sfr', 'log_mass', 'dust1', 'dust2', 'dust_index', 'log_mw_age',
        'log_alpha', 'log_beta', 'log_tau', 'logzsol']
label_params={'dust1': '$\\hat \\tau_{1}$', 'dust2': '$\\hat \\tau_{2}$',
        'dust_index': '$n$', 'log_alpha': 'log($\\alpha$)', 'log_beta': 'log($\\beta$)',
        'log_mass': 'log($M_{*}$)', 'log_mw_age': 'log($\\mathrm{age}_{\\mathrm{MW}}$)',
        'log_sfr': 'log(SFR)', 'log_t0': 'log($t_{0}$)', 'log_tau': 'log($\\tau$)',
        'logzsol': 'log($Z/Z_{\\odot}$)'}

name_sampler_fits = "mcmc_bin1.fits"
plot_corner(name_sampler_fits, params=params, label_params=label_params)

We will get a corner plot as shown below.


SED plot

from piXedfit.piXedfit_analysis import plot_SED

name_sampler_fits = "mcmc_bin1.fits"
plot_SED(name_sampler_fits, decompose=0,

We will get SED plot as shon below.

_images/ph_sed_photo_mcmc_bin1.png _images/sp_sed_photo_mcmc_bin1.png _images/sph_sed_photo_mcmc_bin1.png

SFH plot

from piXedfit.piXedfit_analysis import plot_sfh_mcmc

name_sampler_fits = "mcmc_bin1.fits"

We will get SFH plot as shown below.
