
piXedfit.piXedfit_spectrophotometric.match_imgifs_spatial(photo_fluxmap, ifs_data, ifs_survey='manga', spec_smoothing=False, kernel_sigma=3.5, nproc=10, name_out_fits=None)

Function for matching spatially (on pixel level) between IFS data cube and a post-processed multiwavelength imaging data cube. The current version of piXedfit only can process IFS data from CALIFA and MaNGA surveys.

  • photo_fluxmap – Input 3D data cube of photometry. This data cube is an output of function flux_map() in the images_processing class.

  • ifs_data – Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) data cube.

  • ifs_survey – The survey from which the IFS data cube is taken. Options are: ‘manga’ and ‘califa’.

  • spec_smoothing – If True, spectrum of each pixel will be smoothed by convolving it with a Gaussian kernel with a standard deviation given by the input kernel_sigma.

  • kernel_sigma – Standard deviation of the kernel to be convolved with the spectrum of each pixel.

  • nproc – Number of cores to be used for the calculation.

  • name_out_fits – Desired name for the output FITS file.

piXedfit.piXedfit_spectrophotometric.match_imgifs_spectral(specphoto_file, models_spec=None, nproc=10, del_wave_nebem=10.0, cosmo=0, H0=70.0, Om0=0.3, name_out_fits=None)

Function for correcting wavelength-dependent mismatch between the IFS spectra and the photometric SEDs (on pixel level) in the spectrophotometric data cube that is produced using the function piXedfit.piXedfit_spectrophotometric.match_imgifs_spatial().

  • specphoto_file – Input spectrophotometric data cube that is produced using piXedfit.piXedfit_spectrophotometric.match_imgifs_spatial().

  • models_spec – Set of model spectra at rest-frame produced using piXedfit.piXedfit_model.save_models_rest_spec(). The file is in the HDF5 format. For more information on how to produce this set of models, please see the description here. This set of models only need to be produced once and then it can be used for all galaxies in a sample. If models_spec=None, a default file is then called from piXedfit/data/mod ($PIXEDFIT_HOME/data/mod). However, this file is not available in that directory at first piXedfit is installed, instead user need to download it from this link and put it on that directory in the local machine.

  • nproc – Number of cores to be used for calculation.

  • del_wave_nebem – (default: 10.0 Angstrom). The range (+/-) around all emission lines in the model spectra that will be removed in producing spectral continuum, which will be used as reference for correcting the wavelength-dependent mismatch between the IFS spectra and photometric SEDs.

  • cosmo – Choices for the cosmology. Options are: (a)’flat_LCDM’ or 0, (b)’WMAP5’ or 1, (c)’WMAP7’ or 2, (d)’WMAP9’ or 3, (e)’Planck13’ or 4, (f)’Planck15’ or 5. These options are the same to that available in the Astropy Cosmology package.

  • H0 – The Hubble constant at z=0. Only relevant when cosmo=’flat_LCDM’ is chosen.

  • Om0 – The Omega matter at z=0.0. Only relevant when cosmo=’flat_LCDM’ is chosen.

  • name_out_fits – Desired name for the output FITS file. If None, a generic name will be used.